The Green Party A-rag
The Green Party A-rag
The Green Party A-rag
The Green Party A-rag
The Green Party A-rag
The Green Party A-rag

The Green Party A-rag

Regular price $37.00
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The Green Party A-rag is the official headwear for the Green Party campaign of the 2024 Presidential Elections! Each purchase goes towards funding the Green Party campaign!

Professor Ware is the Vice-Presidential nominee for the Green Party ticket. He has taught History, Black Studies and Islamic Studies at Northwestern, Michigan and UC Santa-Barbara for many years. 

He has experience travelling across the country to challenge imperialism, ethnic cleansing, and endless war, and to build sustainable and peaceful alternatives rooted in African, Indigenous and Abrahamic traditions. 

 ’If we come together, we can create an economy that works for all of us with living-wage jobs, healthcare, housing, food, childcare, debt-free education, and guaranteed livable income as human rights…We can end endless war, rampant militarism, and genocide, and launch a new foreign policy based on diplomacy, international law, and human rights.’’ Professor Ware, Green Party Nominee Vice President 

Purchase the Green Party A-rag to support the Green Party Now! Vote Green!


-Profits supports the Green Party presidential campaign 

-Premium velvet fabric

-Customized Palestinian Keffiyeh design 

-Official SteinWare Logo sublimated on strap

-Hand-sewn A-rag white trim with tassel 

-Lightweight, durable, and luxurious material 

-One size fits all